For Corporates

Check your staff health periodically to ensure a healthy workforce and predict any fitness issues or infectious DISEASES. We do regular and special health checks by coming to your site. We also do drug abuse tests so you can identify any employee who might be taking addictive drugs and therefore require counseling. Whether your organization is small, local, or large, internationally spread, we can help you keep it healthy. The following are some of the healthcare packages we offer for testing a treating employees:

  • Occupational Health: Sihatec can provide unique telehealth services to international and local organizations. We give you (as employer) a telehealth service tailored to your own company and staff needs – namely the Company Clinic. Sihatec delivers a program customized to your staff’s specific health requirements and wellness goals.

    Our doctors and healthcare providers can staff your telehealth Company Clinic to serve your employees around the clock. If you wish, you can add your own providers. Our medical professionals include urgent care and primary care physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, nutritionists, and many other specialists.

    Apart from telehealth services, we can provide corporate clients with various packages using traditional approaches or a combination of telehealth and direct care.

  • Corporate Insurance: SihaTec can arrange a health insurance scheme customized to your company needs, using some of the best insurance providers in the region. Of course such a scheme will not only give you and your covered employees peace of mind and ease of access to healthcare services, but will also provide substantial savings in the long run. 

  • Medical Fitness Test: The Sihatec team is glad to standard and customized medical fitness tests and certificate, as demanded by the organization’s  own requirements or the government regulations. These test can be performed at the clients own site or dedicated clinics.

  • First Aid Training:

    Through our rich network of healthcare and training centers, we can provide in-house and off-site training programs for your employees to master the necessary first aid skills. We can even tailor these programs to suit you specific occupational hazard conditions, where applicable.

  • Homecare: Sihatec Homecare allows you to arrange home visits by the appropriate specialists or care assistant to provide you with a wide range of medical, nursing and care services.   
  • Physiotherapy: Upload your medical reports on Sihatec for the doctors to study your case before your visit. 
  • Shop online for your medicine: Get your prescriptions online through Sihatec for the best price.Shop around online for your medication and buy them from the pharmacy of your choice. You may also have them delivered to your home.
  • Sihatec efile: Over time, Sihatec helps you to build up your own electronic health record, securely stored in our data centers. Sihatec efile helps you get improved quality of health service with enhanced safety as it helps to prevent prescribing duplicate medications, radiology orders  and other unnecessary procedures. It also saves you costs and time.